Mobility Challenge gepresenteerd tijdens internationale conferentie Walk 21

Tijdens de conferentie Walk 21 heeft het Stadslab Hoogkwartier de Mobility Challenge gepresenteerd voor een internationaal publiek.

"The Mobility Challenge is an experiment in which ninety residents and workers from the Hoogkwartier quarter (area in Rotterdam) take up the challenge to use shared transport such as shared cars, shared bicycles and public transport for two months. Thirty of these participants have volunteered to leave their car in a parking garage outside the neighborhood. During the Challenge these vacant parking spaces will be temporarily converted into green spaces. The aim of the experiment is to make a visible link between mobility and public space and show inhabitants what new forms of mobility can mean for your neighborhood."

De ander spreker was Waltraut Ritter van de universiteit van Hong kong over de kansen van MaaS voor voetgangers. De derde spreker was Rebecca Karbaumer van de gemeente Bremen, Duitsland over ‘’place making en reclaiming street space with mobility hubs’’

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